Monday 7 September 2009

How important is Math Worksheet Creator?

How important is Math Worksheet Creator?

The answer ties to the question: how important is basic math skills?

Although US students have made progress in some areas of math, when it comes to basic arithmetic—in particular, the ability to compute— progress has ground to a halt. Our students are very much behind many other countries, such as Japan and Singapore and many others.

Some people argue that students do not need to learn how to compute now that calculators are widely available. Visit any university, you will find, math, computing and engineering departments are dominated by foreign students. It is very sad to see many of our students fail in math and lose the opportunities to pursue these careers.

Are basic math skills still important? We can continue arguing the subject, however, in my opinion, if students don’t master basic math skills, they lose their edge to accomplish in advanced math topics.

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